Friday, July 30, 2010


I was around thirteen or so and then into high school when I became interested in certain Philosophers, namely KANT & SPINOZA. In the Fiske Free Library in Claremont which housed at one time, before the 1960 barbarians got into it, a magnificent collections of books on all subjects. My browsing led me to many favorite shelves and stacks and it was in the philosophy section that I came across KANT'S CRITIQUE OF PURE REASON which I attempted to read and re-read over the years as well as a book on Spinoza's philosophy, and did so during my junior and senior years in high school....even though these books, like the Bible and certain occult books and other subjects had little to do with the educational system I was subjected to and required to complete and then go on to college...where I pursued some of interests but not as much as I might have or should have. Schopenhauer, Hegel, Husserl,Freud,Goethe, and a number of Germanic poets, like Rilke and Heine, etc. have continued to exert some attraction for me as has Steiner,etc. At any rate, I am still reading some of these writers and Philosophers and will sometime add more things here if I have time to do so.... Spengler, of course, also has influenced me as to how I look at history and Germanic Culture which includes music and literature are still to be reckoned with by those who think.....despite the effect of NAZISM on the world......

Friday, December 11, 2009


This blog will deal with the works of NIETZSCHE mainly but also will cover aspects of SCHOPENHAUER & GOETHE and some others. GERMANIC PHILOSPHERS and poets, writers,etc. were at one time held in very high esteem until HITLER arrived on the scene and gave his peculiar slant on things that have affected the world in various ways too numerous to mention here. See my blog,HITLER'S CHILDREN for things about him,etc.